Saturday, 28 November 2020

New Cycle Stands in the Village

The first of three sets of cycle stands have been installed in the village. The first stands are on the concrete plinth outside JB's hairdressers. Two other sets of stands will be installed close to the One Stop and on the village green opposite the One Stop.

We were very pleased to have been awarded funding from South Cambs District Council and Waterbeach Parish Council. The South Cambs funding is a grant from their Zero Carbon Communities scheme which supports communities in South Cambridgeshire to take action on climate change.

We would like to thank the Waterbeach Parish Council for their support in providing some additional funding and agreeing to locate these stands on land which they manage on behalf of the community.

There's never been anywhere particularly secure for bicycles to be locked in the centre of the village. We hope that this makes journeys into the village easier and encourages use of local shops.